World Log: Palo Prime
System Data:
System Name: Palos Vera
Number of Class M Worlds: 1
Planetary Data:
Position in System: IV
Number of Satellites: 1
Planetary Gravity: 1.2g
Planetary Size:
Diameter: 15,600 km
Equatorial Circumference: 48,000 km
Total Surface Area: 612,000,000 sq km
Percent Land Mass: 13%
Total Land Area: 61,812,000 sq km
Planetary Conditions
Length of Day: 27 hours
Atmospheric Density: Normal
General Climate: Tropical
Mineral Content
Normal Metals: 23%
Radioactive: Trace
Gemstones: 23%
Industrial Crystals: 35%
Special Minerals: 1%
Cultural Data:
Dominant Lifeform: Palosian
Technological/Sociopolitical Index: 988677-48
Planetary Trade Profile: DDFEFGG/C (C)

System Profile-

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