Alas, bad news. The likelihood of PDFs for the Star Trek game (or any other product out of the Decipher West office) looks to be about nil. After spending some time trying they are unable to generate the Quark spreads as PDFs. We’ll look into some other alternatives into generating the PDFs but right now it doesn’t look good.
Also, making PDFs is not a priority at their office. I tried to underscore the importance of disseminating information to potential consumers (you) but this isn’t something I can control. Stealth Marketing™ at work again.
I would encourage people to drop a kind and well-worded message to Matt Colville at the Decipher office telling him how much you would appreciate a PDF preview of the Star Trek Player’s Guide. Perhaps if enough potential buyers made their presence known then this might jump up a few spots on the priority list.
[edit]Address removed as a courtesy to Matt's sanity.[/edit]